A Farewell to our esteemed Michael Blake

The Council Circle of ISPMB announces the passing of our beloved Vice-President, Michael Blake, on May 2, 2015 at his home in Tucson where he resided with his wife, Marianne Mortensen Blake, and their three children, Quanah, Monahsetah and Lozen who were named after historic Native Americans. 

Michael has been an active participant of ISPMB since 2010 when he joined our Council Circle (Board of Directors) and worked together with ISPMB’s president, Karen Sussman whom he had known since 1991. 

In 1991, Michael adopted his first wild horse named Twelve. This beautiful black horse, although castrated by the BLM, never lost his regal stallion characteristics. He was tattooed on its left hind flank with the number 1202 as they did in concentration camps of yore. Michael relates that it was not the number that Twelve was named after but that on a scale from one to ten, Michael rated his horse a 12, hence the name. He also adopted a mare Samantha whose spirit was as free as Twelve and who would keep this once great stallion company.

Both of these horses changed Michael’s life and directed him into a course of action saving America’s wild horses for the next two decades.

For many American’s, Michael will be dearly remembered for his famous screen play for the movie, “Dances With Wolves” which won him an Oscar for best screen play. His dear friend, Kevin Costner starred and directed the movie which received seven total Oscars in 1990.

He will be remembered by our organization as immensely passionate about the need to protect wild horses keeping their families intact and free from roundups on our public lands. 

Michael was always proud of ISPMB’s accomplishments. He was especially thrilled that ISPMB saved four wild herds of horses knowing that for the past 15 years, they have been living happily together in families here at our ranch undisturbed by helicopters and roundups like their public land counterparts.

Michael’s spirit will always live on in our hearts. We bid farewell to our hero.

He is survived by wife Marrianne and their three children. 

The family asks that any donations be made in his name to the International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros

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