Whether it is the care and welfare of our herd, or our nature conservation program that most inspired you, your bequest will truly help shape the future of wild horses everywhere.
No matter how large or small your estate may be, your gift will ensure that there is hope for those animals left behind in cruel circumstances.
The Importance of Having a Will
Questions and Answers
Is it true that most people don’t have wills?
Yes. Only about 40% of people actually have wills.
Is it necessary to have a will?
It is important for everyone, regardless of the size of his or her estate, to have a will. Through your will, you have the power to determine how your estate will be distributed and provide properly for your family and others you love. The term estate applies not just to real estate but cash, all property, investments, retirement plans, life insurance, and other forms of assets.
What happens if I don’t have a will?
If you don’t have a will, the state you live in will determine the distribution of your property according to its laws of intestacy. You will have no control over how your assets are distributed.
How do I go about making a will?
* First, select an experienced estate-planning attorney to write your will to best carry out your wishes to provide properly for your family and others you love.
* Second, make an inventory of all your assets; in effect, everything you own.
* Third, decide who you wish to receive your assets. Consider family needs and obligations.
* Please don’t forget ISPMB and consider how a bequest could benefit animals while creating a lasting legacy for you.
Are there tax benefits to making a will?
A will can help you take advantage of estate tax-saving arrangements. In addition, bequests to ISPMB and other charities usually provide a charitable estate tax deduction.
I already have a will. Do I need to do anything?
It is always a good idea to review your will periodically. If your situation has changed (e.g., you moved to another state; married, divorced, or lost a spouse; became a parent; acquired more assets, etc.), you should consider having your will reviewed to make sure it still works as you intend.
If you have already made a will but wish to include a bequest to ISPMB, it is a simple matter to add a codicil to your existing will. Your attorney can advise you on how to make a codicil.
How do I make a bequest to ISPMB?
There are several ways to make a bequest to ISPMB. Here are several examples:
* Specific bequest – You can make an outright gift to ISPMB stated as a specific dollar amount or a specific asset — securities, real estate or tangible personal property.
* Residuary bequest – Through this form of bequest, ISPMB receives all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all other provisions of your will have been fulfilled and all estate-related expenses paid.
* Contingent bequest – You can name ISPMB to receive a bequest but only in the event of the death of other named beneficiaries. By naming ISPMB as a contingent beneficiary, you can guarantee that your loved ones are cared for first while and that your charitable wishes are honored if there are sufficient assets to do so.
Should I leave conditions on the bequest?
It is generally best to make the bequest as general as possible to ensure that ISPMB will be able to use your bequest where it is most needed at that time. If you have a more specific purpose in mind, please contact us before finalizing the bequest at 605-430-2088. You can also e-mail us at ispmb@ispmb.org. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Does ISPMB want to know about my will?
There is certainly no requirement to notify us, but we would like to know – especially so we can thank you during your lifetime.
What language should I use to include ISPMB in my will?
ISPMB’s legal name is International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros. Our tax identification number is 94-6169422.
For gifts that will take effect after your lifetime, suggested wording of your bequest could be as follows: “I give to The International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros, a charitable corporation organized under the laws of the United States, whose current legal address is PO Box 435 Rapid City, SD 57709 [the sum of $ ___________ or ____% (or all) of my residuary estate or a specific asset] to be used for its general charitable purposes.” ISPMB does not seek to replace the advice of your own tax counsel. Please consult your own advisors before making a will.
How can I get more information?
For more information, please request a brochure, or contact us:
PO Box 435 Rapid City SD 57709
PO Box 435 Rapid City SD 57709
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